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GMAPCC 13th Annual Golf Outing Save the Date

Get ready to Par-Tee and save the date!!!

GMAPCC 13th Annual Golf Scramble

Thursday, August 7, 2025 at The Bridges Golf Course - Madison

Look how par we've come.... The GMAPCC Annual Golf Scramble is getting bigger and better every year so make sure you keep the date open!

  • 18 holes of golf with a cart at the beautiful Bridges Golf Course.
  • A free goodie bag at check-in.
  • A hot breakfast buffet in the clubhouse before golf.
  • Hole contests with prizes throughout the course.
  • A tailgate style lunch in the clubhouse after golf.
  • Awards ceremony after lunch.
  • A door prize for EVERY golfer!
  • And lots of fun!!!

Contact GMAPCC "Golf Czar" Tom Diring for hole sponsorship info.
If you would like to contribute to our awesome door prizes or to provide items for the "goodie bags" see Tom for that as well.
We appreciate your contributions and welcome branded items from your company!

Tom Diring - or 608-237-3180

USPS National and Wisconsin News

USPS News from USPS and Wisconsin
03/27/2025 13:01
LOS ANGELES — The U.S. Postal Service today celebrated beloved entertainer Betty White’s mischievous wit, saucy persona and tireless advocacy for animals with a new stamp at a first-day-of-issue ceremony at the Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens.
03/27/2025 11:30
WASHINGTON, DC — Robert M. “Mike” Duncan, one of the Governors of the United States Postal Service, today announced that he is resigning his position on the board of governors due to health reasons. His resignation is effective immediately. Duncan has served on the board since August 2018 and was chairman from September 2018 to February 2021. Duncan’s current term on the board was set to expire this December. A copy of his letter of resignation can be found here.
03/26/2025 14:34
SAXEVILLE, WI — In accordance with 39 C.F.R. § 241.4, this is the United States Postal Service’s final decision with respect to the Postal Service’s proposal to relocate retail services from the Saxeville Post Office located at W4655 Portage St., Saxeville, WI, 54976 to a new location.
03/24/2025 18:59
WASHINGTON - The U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors today announced that it has retained global leadership advisory firm Egon Zehnder to lead the executive search for the 76th Postmaster General and Chief Executive Officer.
03/24/2025 17:37
After nearly five years as America’s 75th Postmaster General, and after informing the Governors in February of my intention to retire, I have today informed the Postal Service Board of Governors that today will be my last day in this role.
03/20/2025 12:00
WASHINGTON, DC — The United States Postal Service is implementing refinements to service standards and has launched new online tools and a fact sheet to help customers prepare for the changes. These adjustments will affect First-Class Mail, Periodicals, Marketing Mail, Package Services (including Bound Printed Matter, Media Mail, and Library Mail), USPS Ground Advantage, Priority Mail, and Priority Mail Express.
03/17/2025 14:19
ANTIGO, WI – What started as a simple birthday request has turned into an overwhelming show of love and appreciation for one of Wisconsin’s oldest veterans.
03/17/2025 07:20
STRONGSVILLE, OH — The U.S. Postal Service celebrates the colorful sights of autumnal walks with the release of five new Vibrant Leaves postcard stamps. Each stamp showcases a single leaf from the aspen, sassafras, oak, maple and sweetgum trees.
03/13/2025 13:47
SPRINGFIELD, MO — The U.S. Postal Service dedicated Freshwater Fishing Lures stamps today at Johnny Morris’ Wonders of Wildlife National Museum and Aquarium in Springfield. The stamps showcase five popular lure designs through striking close-up photographs. Each has a unique history and has played a significant role in the evolution of fishing as a sport. From the earliest handmade wooden lures to swimbaits made of modern materials, there are countless freshwater lures available, each designed to meet the specific needs of the angler.
03/12/2025 15:50
The public has an important role to play to keep everyone out of harm’s